Bild © Lea Walter 2017

Rees, Celia: Pirates!


As the father of the 15-year old Nancy Kington, a Bristol merchant, dies, her brothers send her to their father’s Jamaican plantation, where she is to be married to the sinister Brazilian buccaneer Bartholome, who is (naturally) twice as old as she is. She and her friend, Minerva Sharpe, start a career as pirates, fleeing Nancy’s dear fiancé Bartolome and on the lookout for Nancy’s eternal love William, whose job might complicate the relationship: He’s a Navy officer pursuing pirates.Towards the end bad Bartholome ensnares Nancy by using the pregnant Minerva as his ship`s figurehead. His plans of removing Nancy from the living (since she preferred being a pirate to marrying him(which wounded his manly pride deeply)),are disrupted by Minerva decapitating him. All’s well that ends well.
The story is cleverly written and holds your attention with a fast-moving plot.

Celia Rees also written other books, two of which the school library has: Witch Child and it’s sequel Sorceress, both of which are very good books.>

Rees, Celia: Pirates! Signatur FF.J / REE

Madeleine Lengyel, 6A (2008/09)

Bild © Lea Walter 2017