Drawing by Emilie Rolin, 4A (November 2017)

drawing by Emilie Rolin, 4A (November 2017)D

Cass, Kiera: The One

Buchtipps | Englische Bücher

The book ‚THE ONE‘ is the third book of the ‚Selection series‘. It’s about a girl, named America Singer, who is part of a casting-show, to find her true love.

America has been selected to be part of the casting-show, with 34 other girls. They are all there for one reason: they want to get the Prince. He has to choose one of them to become his wife and queen. Finally there are only six girls left and they all want to get the prince. His favourite girl is America. But America has a problem. Her ex-boyfriend became a guard at the palace. He wants to win her back. And America isn’t sure that she can handle the position as queen. When she finds out, what she really wants for her future, it’s almost to late. And there are still the southern rebels, who want to kill the royal family…

What I liked most about the book is that America has a great character and that she finds her true love in the end. I also like that there is some suspense too, because of the rebels who want to kill her and the others.

The thing I didn’t like is that she believes till the end that her ex-boyfriend could be her true love. Although he has broken her heart, he told her many times that the prince isn’t good for her, and she almost believes him!

I would recommend this book to everyone who likes love storys or fantasy books. It’s exciting and thrilling too.

Cass, Kiera: The One

Systematik: FE.J / CAS

© Text and drawing by Emilie Rolin, 4A (November 2017)